[AuthorAndRating title=’7 Day Sugar Free Diet Review’ itemname=’7 Day Sugar Free Diet’ authorName=’WeightLossChallengeReviews’ date=’31-03-2013′ rating=’4.25′ keyword=’7 Day Sugar Free Diet’ summary=’Break the sugar habit, improve your health, and feel better in as little as 7 days.’ productlink=’/about/7-day-sugar-free-diet/’ producttext=’7 Day Sugar Free Diet Official Website’]

Oh No! – it looks like this product is no longer available. I have found something similar that will help reduce sugar cravings and get you eating real, healthy foods by following a 21 day sugar detox program. Check it out here!


For such a common ingredient, sugar is at the root of many health issues. From reduced mental function to impaired organ function, depression, and obesity. Many people deal with these or related issues yet don’t fully understand the relationship with their diet – let alone how to feel better.

The creator of the 7 Day Sugar Free Diet, Nancy Desjardins R.N.C.P., is devoted to healthy living and is an experienced holistic nutritionist with over 16 years of experience. She is also a consultant, coach, and author.

Nancy Desjardins put together this program for her clients. Many of her clients came to her complaining about being moody, anxious, and irritable. They would complain that they snap at friends and family and lose their temper easily. In addition, they would get ill frequently and suffer from chronic fatigue. Other common concerns include bloating, constipation, and skin problems.

After some investigation, she noticed all these clients have a common pattern in their eating habits – they all ate too much sugar. They crave sugar all day and find it difficult to stop eating it. She put together a diet plan to help them and noticed great results after just one week.

The diet plan she put together is the 7 Day Sugar Free Diet and promises to educate as well as provide a complete healthy eating meal plan in order to:

  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Recharge your digestive system
  • Boost your mental and emotional outlook
  • Take control of your sugar and food cravings
  • And ultimately, be your healthiest and most energized self

How the 7 Day Sugar Free Diet works

There are several components to the 7 Day Sugar Free Diet which together form an overall approach to kicking the sugar habit. Together, these components address the real causes to your health problems.


This diet is more than just a meal plan. It contains information to help you understand the principles necessary to make changes including:

  • Understand the effects sugar has on your health
  • How to adopt the proper mindset for healthy eating
  • How to get motivated to change
  • How to identify and replace old patterns with more constructive behaviors
  • How to identify and correct emotional issues that can make you reach for sweets


Through a cleansing process, you will release the accumulated effects of white sugar, white flour, processed foods, caffeine, heavy dairy products, and food additives. This cleansing process reduces the strain on your system and helps bring it back into balance.

Healthy eating habits

In addition to cleansing out the junk, the diet introduces healthy eating habits to fill your body with quality nutrition. Adding high quality food to your diet helps your body heal, stabilize, and balance itself. This helps remove underlying issues that support your sugar cravings.

Two complete 7 day meal plans are included that tell you exactly what to eat and includes recipes. You can choose which plan you want to follow depending on how aggressive you want to be with your eating habits.

There is also information about what food to avoid and what food to eat.

Physical activity

Some physical activity guidelines are included to further improve your health and give you a general sense of wellbeing.

My thoughts on the 7 Day Sugar Free Diet

I have struggled with my own sugar addiction and poor eating habits and I know what kind of impact this can have. I would replace meals with cookies, cakes, and sugary snacks. My diet consisted primarily of white pasta. I would feel tired, run down, and had no energy or motivation. I would wake up after sleeping 9 hours and still feel tired.

After adopting a healthy eating plan and almost completely eliminating sugar my energy has improved, my sleep requirements have decreased, and my mood and motivation have gone up.

The 7 Day Sugar Free Diet provides a solid framework for changing the way you eat. By adopting the recommendations and following the plan, you will be able to eliminate your dependence on unhealthy eating and improve your overall health and sense of wellbeing.

Pros and Cons

While this diet provides excellent information for eliminating your sugar dependency and adopting a healthy lifestyle it does come with its challenges.

For one, there is a big focus on organic food. Organic food may not be available to everyone. It is also generally more expensive than non-organic food.

To get the full benefit of this plan you are required to change your eating habits and attitudes toward food, which can be challenging for many.

On the positive side, the plan is not based on calorie counting or restriction – it recommends three nutritious meals a day and healthy snacks in between.

The plan is flexible and has many options for you to customize it to your taste and lifestyle.

If you purchase the 7 Day Sugar Free Diet you will also receive 4 additional bonuses for free.


Overall, I would recommend this product. It addresses important health issues that everyone faces. It also identifies the common cause of many health issues – sugar – which the large food companies would rather us not know about.

This product is best suited to people who:

  • Are looking to reduce or eliminate their sugar consumption
  • Want to adopt a healthier lifestyle but aren’t sure where to start
  • Suffer from health issues such as low energy, chronic fatigue, moodiness, or a general sense of poor health

Where to Buy the 7 Day Sugar Free Diet

Unfortunately, you can no longer purchase the 7 day sugar free diet. Instead, I recommend you take a look at the 21 day sugar detox program.